Monday, March 31, 2014

Menu Monday - Merge & Center (Merge Cells)

When putting together a dashboard or a report, a function that can be very useful is the "Merge & Center" function.   Merge & Center will combine two or more adjacent cells to create one larger cell.  A great example of using this function is when you have a header that spans across multiple columns.

This function is useful when you want to merge the adjacent cells as well as center the text in them
-To use this function:
-Select the adjacent cells that you want merged together
-Note: The cells can be any combination of adjacent cells in the same row, adjacent cells in the same column, or adjacent cells in rows and columns
-Click on the Home tab
-Click on the Merge & Center icon in the Alignment section
-Click on Merge & Center
-Now you will see your text merged into one larger cell and centered
-Example 1
-In this scenario, I want to create a header in row 3 called "Fruit" that spans across columns B-G
-Select cells B3-G3
-Click on the Home tab
-Click on the Merge & Center icon in the Alignment section
-Click on Merge & Center
-Now you will see "Fruit" centered across cells B3-G3
-When you click in the cell it will now be one large cell
Excel ya later!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Formula Friday - Today and Now (Auto Populate the Date!)

Excel has built in two easy formulas that will automatically display the current date or current date and time in your spreadsheet.  Each of these formulas will recalculate each time your spreadsheet is either reopened or refreshed. 

-This first option is to use the TODAY formula.  This formula will display the current date.
-To use this formula, enter 'TODAY()' in the cell where you want the date displayed
-Press Enter
-You will now see the date
-Example 1:
-In this example, I want to have the date auto populate in cell A2 each time the report is opened
-In cell A2 enter 'TODAY()'
-Press Enter
-The date will now appear in cell A2
2. NOW
-The second option is to use the NOW formula.  This formula will display the current date and time.
-To use this formula, enter 'NOW()' in the cell where you want the date and time displayed
-Press Enter
-You will now see the date and time
-Example 2:
-In this example, I want to have the date and time auto populate in cell A2 each time the report is opened
-In cell A2 enter 'NOW()' and press Enter
-The date and time will now appear in cell A2
Reminder: Each of these formulas will recalculate each time the spreadsheet is reopened or the sheet is recalculated.

Excel ya later!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Menu Monday - Freeze Panes

When you are working with large data sets in Excel, a wonderful function to consider using is the 'Freeze Panes' function.  This function is especially useful when you have row and/or column headings that you want to continue to see as you scroll through your data.  Excel gives 3 options for 'Freeze Panes':

1. Freeze Panes
-This function is useful when you want to freeze both rows and columns and/or have multiple rows and/or columns to freeze.  Basically this function allows you to choose which data you want to freeze versus the other two options below where Excel automatically freezes certain rows/columns.
-To use this function:
- Click on the cell where you want the following to happen:
1. The row(s) above the selected cell will be frozen (the cells must be visible on the page at this time)
2. The column(s) to the left of the selected cell will be frozen
-Click on the View Tab
-Click on 'Freeze Panes' in the Window section
-You will be given 3 choices, click 'Freeze Panes' from the menu
-Now when you scroll, any cells that were above or to the left of your selected cell should not move
-Example 1
-In this scenario, I want to freeze the first 2 rows and the first column as they are headers
-Click on cell B3
-Click on the View tab
-In the Window section click on 'Freeze Panes' icon
-Click on 'Freeze Panes' from the Freeze Panes menu
-Now when you scroll down, you will still see your top to rows
-Next, scroll to the right and you will still see your first column on the left
2. Freeze Top Row
-This function is useful when you just want to freeze the first row of your data
-To use this function:
-Click in any cell on your spreadsheet (no specific cell is needed)
-Click on the View Tab
-Click on 'Freeze Panes' in the Window section
-You will be given 3 choices, click 'Freeze Top Row' from the menu
-Now when you scroll, the first row will not move
-Example 2
-In this scenario, I want to freeze only the top row so that I can see the header as I scroll down through the weeks
-Click on any cell in the spreadsheet
-Click on the View tab
-In the Window section click on 'Freeze Panes' icon
-Click on 'Freeze Top Row' from the Freeze Panes menu
-Now when you scroll down, you will continue to see your top row
3. Freeze First Column
-This function is useful when you just want to freeze the first column of your data
-To use this function:
-Click in any cell on your spreadsheet (no specific cell is needed)
-Click on the View Tab
-Click on 'Freeze Panes' in the Window section
-You will be given 3 choices, click 'Freeze First Column' from the menu
-Now when you scroll, the first column will not move
-Example 3
-In this scenario, I want to freeze only the first column so that I can see the header as I scroll to the right
-Click on any cell in the spreadsheet
-Click on the View tab
-In the Window section click on 'Freeze Panes' icon
-Click on 'Freeze First Column' from the Freeze Panes menu
-Now when you scroll to the right, you will continue to see your first column

Now, we've walked through the steps on how to freeze panes, but what if you want to unfreeze the panes?  In any of the above 3 scenarios, if you want to unfreeze the panes, follow the steps below:
-Click in any cell on your spreadsheet (no specific cell is needed)
-Click on the View Tab
-Click on 'Freeze Panes' in the Window section
-You will be given 3 choices, click 'Unfreeze Panes' from the menu

Excel ya later!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Formula Friday - Average

Similar to the Sum formula, using the Average formula in Excel is fairly quick and easy.  Just like the sum formula, the average can be used to average both consecutive and non-consecutive numbers.

To use the formula for consecutive numbers:
-Type '=average(Number1:Number2)'
-Press Enter
-Example 1:
-In this example I want to average the total units for Sunday through Saturday in cell B9
-In cell B9 type '=average(B2:B8)'
-Press Enter

-Now you will see the result of 5
-To see the formula, click back into cell B9 and you will see the formula in the Formula Bar
To use the formula for non-consecutive numbers:
-Type '=average(Number1,Number2)'
-Press Enter
-Example 2:
-In this example I want to average the total units for Sunday and Saturday in cell B9
-In cell B9 type '=average(B2,B8)'
-Press Enter
-Now you will see the result of 5
-To see the formula, click back into cell B9 and you will see the formula in the Formula Bar
To use the formula for consecutive and non-consecutive numbers:
-Example 3:
-In this example I want to average the units for Friday, Saturday and Sunday in cell B9
-In cell B9 type '=average(B2,B7:B8)'
-Press Enter

NOTE: The difference between the consecutive and non-consecutive numbers is the difference of using either ' : ' or ' , '.  For consecutive numbers, use the ' : ' between the first and last number. For non-consecutive numbers, use a ' , ' between the numbers.

-Now you will see the result of 4

-To see the formula, click back into cell B9 and you will see the formula in the Formula Bar
As I explained with the Sum formula, there are multiple ways to insert the average formula into the spreadsheet.
1. Type the formula in as described above
2. Use the "Insert Icon" function and type in 'Average' (Follow the same steps as in the Sum formula post)
3. On the Home tab, in the Editing section, click the AutoSum function drop down menu
-Click Average
4. On the Formulas tab, in the Function Library Section, click on the AutoSum function drop down menu
-Click Average

The 3rd and 4th options work best for summing consecutive cells. That being said, you can make adjustments to the formula to sum non-consecutive cells or a combination of both.

Excel ya later!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Menu Monday - Wrap Text

If you tend to be a little "wordy" like me, you might find the "Wrap Text" function in Excel quite handy.  This is very useful when you have a cell with multiple characters and you want to see all of the text, but you don't want your column width to be really large.

To use the Wrap Text function:

-Click on the cell where you want the text wrapped
-Click on the Home tab
-Click on the Wrap Text icon in the Alignment section

-Now you will see that your text has wrapped around


-In this scenario, I want to wrap the text in A1, so that "Day of the Week" fits within the column width constraints already set


-Click on cell A1
-Click on the Home tab
-Click on the Wrap Text icon in the Alignment section

-Now you can see that "Day of the Week" fits within the column width

-You can also see that the Wrap Text icon on the Home tab is highlighted to signify that the function is on in this particular cell


Note: This function can be used before or after text has been entered into the cell.  Also, multiple cells, rows, columns or even the whole worksheet can be selected and you and turn the Wrap Text function on or off for all at one time.

Excel ya later!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Formula Friday - Random Number Generator

Do you need to quickly produce a random number?  Excel has two simple formulas that will quickly generate a random number. 

    1. RAND
      • The first option is to use the RAND formula.  This formula will generate a number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1. 
      • To use this formula, enter '=RAND()' in the cell where you want the random number
      • Press Enter
      • You will now see a random number

      • Note: Each time the spreadsheet is recalculated, the number will change

      • The second option is to use the RANDBETWEEN formula.  With this formula, a random number will be generated between 2 numbers that you identify.
        • Note: The result from this formula will be an integer
      • To use this formula, enter 'RANDBETWEEN(Number1,Number2)
        • Number1 is the lowest number
        • Number2 is the highest number
      • Press Enter
      • You will now see a random number
      • Note: Each time the spreadsheet is recalculated, the number will change
      • Example 1
        • I am looking for a number between 1 and 20
        • In cell A1, enter RANDBETWEEN(1,20)

      • Press Enter
      • An integer between 1 and 20 is generated

Once you have the formula in place, if you want to regenerate the random number, you can press F9 or click "Calculate Now" on the Formula tab in the Calculation section.

As I explained with the Sum formula, there are multiple ways to insert the formulas into the spreadsheet.

  1. Type the formula in as described above
  2. Use the "Insert Icon" function and type in either RAND or RANDBETWEEN


  1. On the Formulas tab, click on the Math & Trig drop down in the Function Library section and scroll down to find either RAND or RANDBETWEEN

Example 2

  • In this example I want a dollar amount between 1 and 10.  In this example, I am going to use a combination of the two formulas above as I want a number with decimals.  If I only wanted an integer, then I would just use the RANDBETWEEN formula.
  • Insert  =RANDBETWEEN(1,10)+RAND() in the cell

  • Press Enter
  • Now Excel will generate a number between 1 and 10 and a number between 0 and 1 and add them together


Excel ya later!